Previously, searching for information on the internet required getting up and walking to a nearby desktop or laptop computer. Today, any and all information is available just a few taps away, regardless of how trivial it may seem, and extensive content is not always required. Despite the convenience of accessing content anytime, anywhere, the challenge of scrolling incessantly to scroll through a long article is remarkable.
The goal now is to find a balance: offering a web page that is austria telegram data accurate and comprehensive on the subject, without being excessively long, providing a fluid and accessible reading experience, especially on mobile devices. – internal links and user experience adopting a practical approach to web content, focused on being useful to readers, is fundamental and we already know that, right? Recently, during a google test, it was revealed that user interactions have a strong influence on google's ranking algorithm known as navboost.
describes how user interactions can generate a document-level score, which in turn can contribute to improving a website's ranking. This highlights the importance of creating content that encourages positive signs of interaction from users, which can, in turn, benefit your site's ranking in search results.
A patent associated with navboost
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- Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:31 am