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Email marketing is one of the most complete digital marketing

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:58 am
by phonenumber
Managing soft bounce and hard bounce management data Email marketing campaign managers need to learn how to manage soft and hard bounces . Email bounces, whether soft or hard, negatively impact the brand. tools that allows easy access to users as well as measuring the interactions that are had with them. Precisely because of its ease and convenience, any email marketing campaign must be tested. Soft bounce and hard bounce must be managed and the results must be verified in order to improve future campaigns . The dangers of bounce rate Bounce rates The bounce rate clearly indicates the existence of a problem in the reception of emails . This indicator allows determining the effectiveness of an email marketing campaign, while helping to prevent soft bounce and hard bounce problems. For this reason, it is important to monitor all campaigns in order to solve soft bounce and hard bounce problems as soon as possible.

A high bounce rate may mean that the usa student phone number list recipient does not like what they receive and decides to filter out the brand's emails. The ideal soft bounce and hard bounce rate should be below 2% . If the bounce rate is much higher, other companies or Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may consider you as a spammer. In that case, email marketing emails would go directly to the users' Spam folder, without even giving them the option to choose. This is the main reason why you should monitor your soft bounce and hard bounce rates. How to reduce bounce rate The main objective of an email marketing campaign is to ensure that messages fulfil their purpose and reach their recipients without any problems. For this reason, it is essential to reduce bounce rates. In this sense, there are certain actions that can be taken to achieve this.