Many people are promoting the concept of multichannel marketing, however many companies have questions about this concept. How can it be integrated into the different strategies implemented? Does multichannel allow you to obtain more leads and how does it impact your strategy? What are the best channels for generating leads in BtoB?
In other words, which channels should you prioritize when embarking on digital marketing and multi-channel lead generation? thailand whatsapp data
Fortunately, these companies are not alone: our American colleagues love to conduct studies and surveys. The latest is a study by DemandWave, conducted among 200 American marketing professionals, which is full of very valuable information for defining a digital strategy.
This week, we therefore suggest that you look in detail at some of the results of this study to answer this question!We see that email and organic search are both leading the dance. In fact, they generate leads for more than 70% of companies. Then come social networks and PPC ( Pay per click , or paid search ).
It’s no surprise that email comes first. Every marketer knows that SEO is a great way to generate leads.
While a social media presence is essential for every business, it's not the channel that most easily generates leads.
To start generating leads, according to this study, it is worth focusing on emailing and SEO, in equal measure.