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Review of forecasts and planning through controlling

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 3:18 am
Working hours and absences: working time management
Working time management is more about the overall evaluation of the originally scheduled work plan.

How many working hours were actually implemented?
How much time is lost for different reasons?
Were any legal rules violated regarding the time limit?
Is there overtime or unnecessary downtime in time recording?
Working time management therefore records more than just working time petroleum manufacturers email lists and is used to reveal problems, legal violations or weaknesses in planning. These so-called time accounts are also used to predict future events in working time documentation. Personnel deployment planning and working time management should follow the same principles, otherwise the recorded results may be distorted. Above all, however, a very detailed and clearly structured analysis is necessary. These data sets serve as an evaluation basis for later review of previous workforce management measures. A clear division into meaningful units of time such as hours, days, weeks or shifts as well as areas of responsibility is therefore essential.

The entire workforce management system aims to save costs and optimize performance. As a side effect of reliable forecasts and well-organized deployment plans, employee satisfaction and motivation increase at the same time. But behind this process lies the acquisition and utilization of information that has matured over years. Therefore, the final element of a workforce management cycle is the review of all forecasts and collected data sets. You compare the forecast with the actual data and analyze the accuracy of the previous forecast. If there are major deviations, you must clarify to what extent these were not foreseeable. An unusually strong flu wave may be responsible for the high level of sickness. Accidents or failures at suppliers through no fault of your own or similar incidents are also possible.