Advantages and disadvantages

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Advantages and disadvantages

Post by sumaiyakhatun26 »

Cafes have thus become co-working spaces where workers can benefit from a warm, friendly space with a good Internet connection. While not all cafes lend themselves to this activity, some are seeing a boom in the number of individuals coming to spend an entire day behind their computer screen. Finally, co-working meets a new need and is not formally defined by the location, it can take almost any form. Thus, many hotels now offer co-working spaces.

The main advantage of coworking when working remotely is not coo email list having to stay at home, and the reasons given can be multiple. It can simply be because the space is not suitable for it (too small, too dark, no dedicated workspace, etc.), because the place is occupied by other residents who can distract the employee (children, roommates, etc.) or simply because you need a change of scenery or want to socialize a little... Spending all your time at home and no longer seeing your colleagues can indeed harm the quality of work and motivation.

Finally, meeting with workers from other fields or other companies can help build bridges between skills. But while co-working can create a positive work dynamic, it is not suitable for everyone: some employees will not appreciate not having a personal space. In addition, those who are most sensitive to noise may miss the peace and quiet of their individual office or home. Finally, the importance of team cohesion should not be overlooked. While meetings are also increasingly dematerialized, physical meetings are sometimes necessary to exchange and meet.
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