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Fraudulent page vs. reliable ecommerce

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:05 am
by jrine
The growth of the Internet in recent years has boosted the commercial activity of companies.

However, unscrupulous groups take advantage of this advance to commit fraud, which is why it is necessary to identify a reliable e-commerce site .

Fraudsters have improved their tactics to deceive not only individuals, but also businesses. Therefore, those who have an online business must implement anti-fraud strategies that allow them to protect themselves against cybercrime.

Do you have an online business, but don't know how to protect your information and that of your consumers? In this article we share some tips to ensure a reliable ecommerce .

Importance of information security
The rise in fraud is particularly evident in e-commerce, especially during the pandemic. At this stage, more and more customers are choosing to make purchases and do business online.

Information is one of the most important resources of a company. It connects each of the business areas, unifies processes and guides productivity in the right direction.

Hence the importance of enhancing the organization's IT security. Information is valuable and must be adequately protected.

Information security is a fundamental element for the company to carry out its operations without assuming too many risks , since the data that is handled is essential for the future of the business.

Information security is not only about dealing with, analysing and preventing risks. It also aims to find quick solutions to eliminate fraud threats immediately.

As technology evolves it is important to be aware of the different types of scams that exist.

Companies must therefore lebanon telegram data redefine the way they use IT security tools, from the database to user information and passwords.

Pillars of information security
Fraudulent page vs. reliable ecommerce_IZA_body

Information security involves a set of preventive measures that allow an organization's data to be safeguarded and protected .

Below we list the three pillars that a reliable e-commerce must have to guarantee secure transactions.

#1 Confidentiality
This pillar is related to data privacy. To achieve an adequate level of confidentiality, company and customer information must be accessible strictly to authorized personnel.

This measure requires that authorization of access to data be carried out by considering hierarchical levels.

That is, only employees in higher positions have access to a greater amount of data than officials in lower positions.