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Selfies and how you can integrate them into your marketing plan #Infographic

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:44 am
by pappu6329
At Web Positioning Salamanca we know that something that can be condemned, and appreciated by many people are selfies, an example of the vanity that some Internet users have, however, companies can take advantage of this, so today we will talk about selfies and how you can integrate them into your online marketing plan to improve your strategy. 2.0 platforms have brought endless benefits to the digital territory that we use so much today, but we must keep in mind that these are channels of “expression” that users take to be “more sociable” beings.

Selfies… a phenomenon of the new millennium
First of all, we must say that selfies are a result of new technologies and the different options offered by social networks, but none of this would be possible without people's narcissism, now... what do we colombia telegram lead by the word "narcissistic"? Basically, it is the concern that an individual has for himself, creating a recurring need to gain the admiration of others . The beginnings of this word date back to ancient Greece, with the famous fable of Narcissus.

What are the “symptoms” of narcissists?:

They have a very grandiose vision of themselves, they only focus on themselves .
They need admiration and attention almost all the time.
They have arrogant attitudes or behaviors.
They have fantasies about their personal triumphs.
So what does narcissism have to do with all this web 2.0 and social media stuff? Studies have been done that show that approximately 55% of millennials have taken a selfie (a process in which a person uses their mobile phone or digital camera to take a picture of themselves) and shared it on their social networks, 74% of the images shared on Snapchat are selfies, on the Instagram platform , these types of photos are the most common, with an average of 1000 per second and in 2015 alone more people died while taking a selfie than from shark attacks... incredible! Don't you believe it?

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Different companies make use of selfies
The popularity of selfies is based on the belief that they are a means of allowing users to present an ideal image of themselves . This phenomenon began with the instant feedback (positive or negative) of social media posts, basically it is this type of attention that reinforces the desire for more. The most “popular” or successful selfies are the following:

Those from vacations , those from the beach, usually get more attention.
The healthy ones , which are about people toning their bodies at the gym or eating healthy.
The adventurers , with incredible landscapes in the background.
Selfies taken inside a car.
Those in which several people are also protagonists, “ group selfies ”.
The “ duckface ”, a facial expression that is used to accentuate the cheeks and make the lips appear more voluptuous.
48% of selfies taken are shared on Facebook, 13% on WhatsApp, 9% on Twitter, 8% on Instagram, 5% on Snapchat and the remaining percentage on other social networks. Knowing this, companies have known how to capitalize on this 2.0 narcissism to take advantage of it. Do you want to know more about selfies and how you can integrate them into your marketing plan? Then follow these tips:

You can run a contest , where your followers have to upload selfies with the product, for example, and the most original, with the most likes or retweets, wins. It is also ideal to create a “#Hashtag” that is original and attracts attention. You can even use some influencers or people who move masses to participate in the campaign.
Selfies should contain a message , they should not be banal acts that are done at random, at least not if you plan to integrate them into a digital marketing campaign. The purpose and objectives must be clear: to promote your products or services in a unique, creative and dynamic way.
Learn how to take a good photo , whether you want it to be part of your planned campaign or even if you want to include it on your social media. Remember that everything you post, wherever it is, will become part of your business or your personal brand.
Try new apps that will help you take the best photos.
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Big companies have known how to take advantage of selfies in their latest advertising campaigns. One example is Red Bull, the most popular energy drink brand in the world, which invited its consumers to show their best “adventure selfies” in which different athletes uploaded their portraits in the middle of an exercise in extreme situations. McDonald's is another brand that has joined in with its “#QueBuenoQueViniste” campaign, focused on the concept of hospitality. Here, users took different photos in its facilities while consuming the chain's food.