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Tips to improve the home page of a website

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:12 am
by pappu6329
How many times have you left a website after seeing the homepage? It happens to all of us at some point because that space is key for the visitor to decide whether to continue browsing or not. To prevent this from happening on your site, follow these tips to improve the home page of a website from Web Positioning Salamanca.

The homepage must be at the service of your business
The homepage is the first contact visitors have with your business' website. Within the first few seconds, it should be clear who you are, what services and products you offer, how to contact you, and what you should do next to find what you are looking for.

A well-designed website should be aligned with the business's objectives chile telegram phone numbers be able to attract new customers, while still being useful to those who already know the brand. Therefore, one of the strategies to improve the website is to always keep it updated.

When you start designing your website's home page, you must choose the elements you will include. There are several basic aspects that must be included on the page:

Company identification.
Answer what you do.
Who is the target audience?
How will the business help site visitors?
Make contact channels clear.
Direct visitors to their next step on the website in a simple way.
Provide additional information.
You will see that these elements appear on our own homepage:

All this must be accompanied by an SEO strategy that favors the positioning of the site.

Having a well-designed homepage will help boost your business.

Check the effectiveness of the home page
You can have a very complete site, with all the information that potential and current customers need, but you are not able to retain visitors. If they do not go beyond the home page, then there is clearly a problem here.

Bounce rate increases if visitors leave after viewing the homepage and this will affect SEO ranking.

Maybe it takes too long to load, doesn't look right on some devices, or causes confusion for the user. These are some of the problems that home pages present.

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It may also be visually unattractive, for example, with a large amount of text that overwhelms the visitor. Or, to get the information they are looking for, they have to scroll through the entire page.

The first steps to improving a website should be aimed at checking its effectiveness. To do this, check how many of the visitors who enter through the home page continue browsing and how many leave without viewing another page.

You can also ask other people to look at the home page and tell you what problems they find. With this feedback, you will begin to see the flaws and determine what changes need to be made.

Think about the result you want to achieve and what you need to do to get there.