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How to plan a LinkedIn marketing strategy?

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:07 am
by pappu6329
From Posicionamiento Web Salamanca we explain how to plan a marketing strategy on LinkedIn . Thanks to this social network you will make valuable contacts while giving visibility to your business. Learn about its advantages and how to improve your presence on the platform.

What does LinkedIn bring to your company?
If your business is not yet on LinkedIn, it's time to analyze the benefits of the platform. Unlike the rest of the most popular social networks, this one was born with a professional focus.

Professionals and companies use it to promote themselves, gain visibility, search for and offer employment opportunities. It was created in 2003 and has not stopped growing since then, and today it has more than 700 million users.

It is a marketing tool that you should not ignore when promoting your business chile telegram lead personal brand. Thanks to its professional approach, you will generate more credibility among users.

Other benefits of digital marketing on LinkedIn include:

Promote company values ​​and improve reputation.
Generate and position the corporate identity.
Promote the products and services offered by your brand.
Increase your followers' engagement.
Expand your network of contacts by connecting with other companies in your niche, suppliers and customers.
Attract qualified talent for your business.
Get potential clients.
These reasons should be enough to convince you to have a LinkedIn profile. But you will get more benefits, such as improving your web positioning in search engines, so you should work well on the SEO of the profile.

First steps to build your strategy
Every strategy needs clear goals, so the first thing you need to do is set your LinkedIn marketing goals . Why do you want to have an account on the platform?

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Asking yourself this question will help you shape the strategy you will follow on the social network.

In addition to your goals, you need to decide what type of profile you want to create. On LinkedIn, you have two options: personal and business.

You can even have both, but the management of each one must be different. That is, the objectives and the publications have to be different. Have a different strategy for each one.

To have a company page on LinkedIn you need a personal profile to manage it.

Next, fill out your profile with all of your company's information. This will not only attract the attention of other users but also benefit your positioning within the platform.

How to plan a LinkedIn marketing strategy?
Being on this platform requires an action plan. Like any other social network, you must stay active, interact, promote conversation and measure the results.

The following actions will help you increase your presence on LinkedIn.

Complete the profile information
We mentioned above how important it is to complete the company information. This includes the image, since it is a business or personal brand, you should include the logo; the header, which is where you describe what the company does; website, contact information, among other data.

Make it so that users and other companies know what your business does, its values, and how they can benefit. If they have enough information, they are more likely to contact you.

Keep SEO in mind
Using LinkedIn for business improves positioning on Google and also within the same platform. You should not forget to work on SEO within the account.