The changing of the guard : Overall, it is the most viewed edition since 1995, but if the average audience has always been older, this year it has definitely gotten younger. The highest listenership recorded concerns the target between 14 and 24 years old. In this, the new TikTok profile @sanremorai has done its job, so much so that over 60% of the content was viewed by users under 25.
Parallel entertainment : The Festival is increasingly becoming a context in which musical performances are just part of a bigger show. The real show is hosted by creators and online influencers, with memes, live opinions and themed games like FantaSanremo. Proof of this is the fact that the profiles that contributed most to the interaction volumes were @trash_italiano (2.8 million) and @_the_jackal (1.7 million) .
Spotify's boost : Immediately after the first night of performance, the playlist with the unreleased songs is uploaded to the app and taken by storm by listeners. And not just Italians, but worldwide. A tactic that, in addition to pushing the Festival, also helps Spotify to intercept a more mature audience in addition to Gen Z who naturally uses the platform.
Sanremo Business : The 2022 edition, a record, collected 42 million euros in advertising investments thanks to the elimination of the sole sponsor of previous years. In 2023, this value was also exceeded, reaching 50 million with a spot price of 2.18 million euros for all evenings (against 2.03 million in 2022) .
And that’s all from the “Italian Super Bowl” , on to the studio.
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