Do you have any fears (as it pertains to your topic area) holding you back?
Would you be willing to pay for a solution that does XYZ for you?
I recommend adding a few additional columns to the Google Sheet you already made for keeping track of your feedback group, so that you can add notes with their answers to these key questions.
By this point in my challenge to validate a business idea, I was starting to get a more clear picture of what exactly my audience wanted from me in the California hiking space.
After thinking more about the two ideas I got from my feedback group—a monthly adventure planning service or a guide to the most under-rated, off-the-grid hikes and adventures in California—and running them by a couple others, I got more votes for the off-the-grid hiking guide.
Once you’ve been able to collect this depth of feedback from at least 10 – 15 afghanistan phone number database in your early feedback group, it’s time to really formulate your competitive advantage and solidify (at least for now) what you’re business is going to represent.
I pushed forward with the tentative plan of creating the off-the-grid hiking guide.
Now it was time to figure out how to make it significantly more unique, useful and better than existing hiking guides.
5. Develop a Competitive Advantage.
By this stage of validating your business idea, you’ve had a number of meaningful conversations with your target audience and you’ve built a small list of people who are interested in getting updates on your upcoming solution—based on the simple elevator pitch you’ve sent them so far.
Now it’s time to expand a bit on that elevator pitch and pull some more insights out of the feedback you’ve been gathering from your conversations with the people in your community.
All with the purpose of developing a competitive advantage that’ll make your upcoming solution uniquely valuable to your audience. The worst thing you can do is rush to market with an identical solution to what’s already out there.
A competitive advantage is defined as your unique advantage that allows you as a business to generate greater sales or margins, and/or acquire & retain more customers than competitors.
In short, it’s what makes your business, your business.
Do you have any fears (as it pertains to
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