Learn how to open a virtual accounting office
Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:33 am
Understanding how to open a virtual accounting office can transform the way you work in the field. The financial impact of online services is considerably greater than traditional services and expands the possibilities for accountants. Geographical barriers and time constraints? These things do not exist with this modality!
If you spend your life organizing paperwork, retyping data, and dealing with human errors, you probably know how much this takes up your work routine. With such a busy schedule, there’s barely any time left to analyze each client’s numbers and provide strategic services. In the long run, this impacts the growth of your accounting business. Many accountants have already realized this and are looking to learn how to open a virtual accounting office.
How online accounting works
Also known as digital accounting, online accounting is a business model in the accounting industry that has been gaining ground in the market. The process and routine services are carried out via computer and digital platforms. Instead of piles of paper, you have organized files that are easy to locate.
Opening a virtual accounting office allows you to focus your work more. You can answer all your clients’ questions and offer alternative paths in cases of expansion or cost reduction . This is a chance to stop chasing people and let them come to you through differentiated work and more agile processes .
Although the word “online” refers to processes carried out online and without human intervention, this does not mean that the work is cold. Operations can be carried out remotely, but the profits are very similar. The difference with an online accountant is their presence. Ideally, the professional should use the facilities of technology, but maintain a keen eye and bring their experience to each action.
Why open a virtual accounting office?
To keep up with the market: incorporating technology into accounting work is a trend that is here to stay. Digital platforms enhance the connection between the client and the accountant, reduce errors and expand the professional's capacity to act. From the moment that people began to live connected lives, exploring the use of digital tools became a necessity for the survival of companies.
To reduce costs: a traditional accounting office is expensive. If you have already done market research to open your own space, you must have noticed that paying rent and covering maintenance costs are not easy. Keeping an environment running involves more expenses than it seems, so providing services remotely is the best cost-benefit.
To expand the scope of action: a few years ago, the work of an accountant was determined by saudi arabia mobile phone numbers database their location. Clients used to be the closest companies and the day-to-day was guided by sending documents and countless envelopes. Today, with so many technological resources at their disposal, the story has changed! The professional can serve clients in the four corners of the world, with more agile processes and in less time. Can you imagine the difference this makes in monthly revenue?
Online accounting automates processes, making them more agile, secure and transparent than the traditional model. The main advantages of opening a virtual accounting office in practice:
Completion and submission of declarations digitally;
Automatic receipt of information for accounting analysis;
Real-time financial control monitoring;
Management of documents stored in the cloud;
Customer support also via computer and mobile devices;
Organization of data in digital files to meet inspection requirements.
3 good arguments for opening a virtual accounting office
Your competitor is probably already serving online
Online accounting has been growing in Brazil since 2012. Several companies, especially smaller ones, with low revenues and classified under the Simples Nacional tax regime, are looking for digital methods to reduce costs and reduce the bureaucracy involved in accounting processes.
As demand has increased, accounting firms are migrating or adopting online accounting plans into their business model. That said, offering the digital option has gone from being a differentiating factor to a survival factor in the market.
Geography cannot limit you
When you have a traditional accounting firm, you only serve local clients. When you provide online services, you provide support via phone, chat, and the internet. In addition to reducing costs with an office that is equipped to receive visits and meetings, you can connect with companies in areas far from your neighborhood.
You don't have to give up the traditional model
There are many companies that do not want to migrate to an online model because they like the possibility of scheduling meetings or receiving business advice. As an accountant, you do not need to abandon the old model to invest in the online model.
Just calculate the cost of in-person services. This way, you can create different types of plans and vary the type of contact within each package. Personalized services are trending. I'm betting on them!
How to open a virtual accounting office that stands out in the market
The first step is communication. Make sure your customers understand what the new processes will be like, so they can rest assured that there will be no physical structure in the city. Showing that you are the most qualified person to take care of the company, with the knowledge and experience, will also put you ahead of the market professionals.
These steps will be useful when opening your virtual accounting office:
1 - Make technology an important part of the accounting process
Logically, a digital office needs technology to exist. Therefore, the first step is to choose the best management platform with accounting integration for your business. Define which communication channels you will use with your client and how you will use applications and the internet to your advantage.
2 - Provide training and prepare your team
If you have other professionals working with you, it is important that everyone is on the same page. The team must be prepared to meet the new digital demand, with the awareness that new clients need to be treated differently than conventionally, especially if they are miles away. This change in attitude is motivating for the accounting professional and helps to retain the firm's team.
3 - Exchange information with customers
The client’s collaboration is essential for the online service to work. They need to help with information and organization. It is also important that they are open to new solutions that emerge on the market. As a consultant, the accountant must recommend tools and provide guidance on processes that are beneficial to both parties.
When the client commits to delivery, they have more organization in their accounting and more information for decision-making , which increases their chances of success. In this sense, the accountant wins, as their work is more productive, and the client wins, as their growth is guided by management.
4 - Market your accounting online
One of the advantages of having a digital office is being able to serve companies all over the country. However, the challenge is attracting these clients. To do this, accounting marketing is very important. The work dynamic follows a sequence: attract attention, collect contact information, establish a relationship and close the deal.
The first point to consider is: which channels do your customers use? Based on this information, decide whether the focus of your work will be on social media, blogs, websites or email marketing. After defining your direction, think about the topics that interest these people. What do they search for on the internet? Talking about these topics is a way to be found!
It's been a while since the accounting field stopped having that square image that's portrayed in movies. Successful modern accountants know that combining technology with their professional background is the recipe for increasing profits and keeping clients satisfied. Now that you understand how to open a virtual accounting office, let Company Hero help you with the process!
If you spend your life organizing paperwork, retyping data, and dealing with human errors, you probably know how much this takes up your work routine. With such a busy schedule, there’s barely any time left to analyze each client’s numbers and provide strategic services. In the long run, this impacts the growth of your accounting business. Many accountants have already realized this and are looking to learn how to open a virtual accounting office.
How online accounting works
Also known as digital accounting, online accounting is a business model in the accounting industry that has been gaining ground in the market. The process and routine services are carried out via computer and digital platforms. Instead of piles of paper, you have organized files that are easy to locate.
Opening a virtual accounting office allows you to focus your work more. You can answer all your clients’ questions and offer alternative paths in cases of expansion or cost reduction . This is a chance to stop chasing people and let them come to you through differentiated work and more agile processes .
Although the word “online” refers to processes carried out online and without human intervention, this does not mean that the work is cold. Operations can be carried out remotely, but the profits are very similar. The difference with an online accountant is their presence. Ideally, the professional should use the facilities of technology, but maintain a keen eye and bring their experience to each action.
Why open a virtual accounting office?
To keep up with the market: incorporating technology into accounting work is a trend that is here to stay. Digital platforms enhance the connection between the client and the accountant, reduce errors and expand the professional's capacity to act. From the moment that people began to live connected lives, exploring the use of digital tools became a necessity for the survival of companies.
To reduce costs: a traditional accounting office is expensive. If you have already done market research to open your own space, you must have noticed that paying rent and covering maintenance costs are not easy. Keeping an environment running involves more expenses than it seems, so providing services remotely is the best cost-benefit.
To expand the scope of action: a few years ago, the work of an accountant was determined by saudi arabia mobile phone numbers database their location. Clients used to be the closest companies and the day-to-day was guided by sending documents and countless envelopes. Today, with so many technological resources at their disposal, the story has changed! The professional can serve clients in the four corners of the world, with more agile processes and in less time. Can you imagine the difference this makes in monthly revenue?
Online accounting automates processes, making them more agile, secure and transparent than the traditional model. The main advantages of opening a virtual accounting office in practice:
Completion and submission of declarations digitally;
Automatic receipt of information for accounting analysis;
Real-time financial control monitoring;
Management of documents stored in the cloud;
Customer support also via computer and mobile devices;
Organization of data in digital files to meet inspection requirements.
3 good arguments for opening a virtual accounting office
Your competitor is probably already serving online
Online accounting has been growing in Brazil since 2012. Several companies, especially smaller ones, with low revenues and classified under the Simples Nacional tax regime, are looking for digital methods to reduce costs and reduce the bureaucracy involved in accounting processes.
As demand has increased, accounting firms are migrating or adopting online accounting plans into their business model. That said, offering the digital option has gone from being a differentiating factor to a survival factor in the market.
Geography cannot limit you
When you have a traditional accounting firm, you only serve local clients. When you provide online services, you provide support via phone, chat, and the internet. In addition to reducing costs with an office that is equipped to receive visits and meetings, you can connect with companies in areas far from your neighborhood.
You don't have to give up the traditional model
There are many companies that do not want to migrate to an online model because they like the possibility of scheduling meetings or receiving business advice. As an accountant, you do not need to abandon the old model to invest in the online model.
Just calculate the cost of in-person services. This way, you can create different types of plans and vary the type of contact within each package. Personalized services are trending. I'm betting on them!
How to open a virtual accounting office that stands out in the market
The first step is communication. Make sure your customers understand what the new processes will be like, so they can rest assured that there will be no physical structure in the city. Showing that you are the most qualified person to take care of the company, with the knowledge and experience, will also put you ahead of the market professionals.
These steps will be useful when opening your virtual accounting office:
1 - Make technology an important part of the accounting process
Logically, a digital office needs technology to exist. Therefore, the first step is to choose the best management platform with accounting integration for your business. Define which communication channels you will use with your client and how you will use applications and the internet to your advantage.
2 - Provide training and prepare your team
If you have other professionals working with you, it is important that everyone is on the same page. The team must be prepared to meet the new digital demand, with the awareness that new clients need to be treated differently than conventionally, especially if they are miles away. This change in attitude is motivating for the accounting professional and helps to retain the firm's team.
3 - Exchange information with customers
The client’s collaboration is essential for the online service to work. They need to help with information and organization. It is also important that they are open to new solutions that emerge on the market. As a consultant, the accountant must recommend tools and provide guidance on processes that are beneficial to both parties.
When the client commits to delivery, they have more organization in their accounting and more information for decision-making , which increases their chances of success. In this sense, the accountant wins, as their work is more productive, and the client wins, as their growth is guided by management.
4 - Market your accounting online
One of the advantages of having a digital office is being able to serve companies all over the country. However, the challenge is attracting these clients. To do this, accounting marketing is very important. The work dynamic follows a sequence: attract attention, collect contact information, establish a relationship and close the deal.
The first point to consider is: which channels do your customers use? Based on this information, decide whether the focus of your work will be on social media, blogs, websites or email marketing. After defining your direction, think about the topics that interest these people. What do they search for on the internet? Talking about these topics is a way to be found!
It's been a while since the accounting field stopped having that square image that's portrayed in movies. Successful modern accountants know that combining technology with their professional background is the recipe for increasing profits and keeping clients satisfied. Now that you understand how to open a virtual accounting office, let Company Hero help you with the process!