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What can you expect from a UX Audit and what not?

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 6:38 am
by hmonower921
It should be emphasized that a UX audit is not a panacea for all problems related to the usability of a website or store. It is ineffective if the recommendations are not feasible or are not implemented. As in the case of an SEO Audit, just knowing where the problem is is only 20% of the success. Introducing corrections involves investing in the implementation of corrections. The cost of a UX Audit has two components: direct costs resulting from the cost of the audit and the costs of implementing the recommendations.

The cost of the Audit is the sum of the costs of analysis and implementation of recommendations!
UX analysis will not solve all problems related to website or store errors, but it will allow us to answer a few questions:

What works and what doesn't?
What metrics are collected and which should be collected?
What does the data tell you about user needs?
What has already been tried and what impact has it had on the metrics?
A properly conducted UX study will bring many business afghanistan whatsapp lead benefits. It will provide practical recommendations based on empirical evidence, not hunches. It will support strategic design plans so that the website or store will be the shortest path to conversion. It will establish metrics that will make the unmeasurable measurable.

It helps you formulate hypotheses about why users behave in a certain way. How they might behave in the future and how to influence that behavior. Most importantly, it helps increase conversions and ROI.

Who should conduct a UX audit and when?
An audit should be conducted at the very beginning of a website, web application, or store's existence. Audits are usually conducted on a product or service that has been operating for some time.

As a rule, companies without a dedicated UX team will benefit the most from a UX audit.

If cash flow allows, it is worth outsourcing the audit to external entities.

It's never too late for a UX Audit!
UX Analysis Metrics
The most difficult part of a UX audit is probably the first step, collecting the right materials and data.