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This will open up your connected GA4 property.

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 7:11 am
by zihadhosenjm80
This will open up your connected GA4 property. You should see a message saying, “You have successfully connected your properties.”

Google Analytics 4 Setup Assistant Showing the Message You Have Successfully Connected Your Properties
You can find out more about using the GA4 Setup Assistant here.

Now, return to the homepage of your Google Analytics account. You should see a popup welcome message introducing you to GA4:

Google Analytics 4 Account Showing the Message Welcome to armenia phone number library Analytics 4 (GA4)
I recommend working through the short tutorial in this popup. It explains how to find your older data, manage reports, measure user behavior with GA4, build audiences, and more.

Once you close the popup, you can check out all your user data in GA4:

Google Analytics 4 Homepage Showing User Data, With a Graph of Users, New Users, Event Count, and Average Engagement Time
Use the buttons on the left to run reports, create explorations, and more:

Google Analytics 4 Reports Snapshot Showing a Range of Data and Information
As you can see in the graph above, you’ll only be able to view data from where your GA4 account was created (on April 29, in this case). You need to switch back to your UA property to view older data.

Step 4. Do You Need a New GA4 Tracking Code (Site Tag)?
You might remember that when you set up Google Analytics (using the Universal Analytics property) a few years ago, you added a special site tag or tracking code to your website.

With Google’s Setup Assistant, you don’t need to change the site tag. As Google explains, the Setup Assistant “sets the GA4 property to receive data from your existing Google tag if you choose to reuse an existing site tag.” This is what Google recommends.

However, if you want to use a new site tag or don’t have an existing one, you can find instructions here for installing your GA4 site tag.

How to Create a Google Analytics Account for the First Time