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10. Make a list of the best

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 5:05 am
by zihadhosenjm80
10. Make a list of the best and most insightful quotes about your niche
Blog Post Ideas Best Quotes
Scroll through just about any social media feed and you’ll see that people are obsessed with quotes. A cleverly worded piece of wisdom from a well-known figure can inspire and motivate us at the deepest levels. This is one of my afghanistan phone number material successful blog post ideas I’ve executed in multiple formats by compiling a list of the best quotes around my niche for some evergreen content. Pick a niche to blog about and you can do the same in your space too.

11. Sit down with an industry influencer
Blog Post Ideas Industry Influencer
A well-written interview can have the power to make the reader feel like they’re having an intimate conversation with the subject. Reach out to influencers in your niche and invite them to share their thoughts and experiences with your audience either in the format of one of these blog post ideas or as a podcast interview. Not only will you have a great piece of content on your hands, but you’ll also have a new addition to your professional network.

12. Give people the roadmap to success in your industry
Blog Post Ideas Roadmap
One of the hardest parts about succeeding in any career is knowing just where and how to get started. If you have some experience under your belt, you can translate your lessons into one of these kinds of blog post ideas that give much-needed guidance to people looking to break into your niche.

Take for example my foundational step-by-step guides on topics like how to start freelancing, how to start a business, and how to start a blog that’s been read (and acted upon) by millions of people. This is hands down one of my favorite blog post ideas, because of how transformational your impact can be on the lives of readers.