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11. Your Headline Must Answer the “Who”

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:52 am
by zihadhosenjm60
11. Your Headline Must Answer the “Who” Question
Who will benefit from reading your blog post?

Example of Writing Blog Headlines (Blogging Books Screenshot)

This is where knowing your audience well, also lends a helpful hand, as it’ll guide you in learning how to write a headline that captures the attention of a specific group of people. Using my roundup of the best books about blogging as an example, it’s very evident within the headline that this list of books has been curated specifically for bloggers to read (on a related note, check out my guide about how to write an eBook if you want to become the author of your own book one day too).

Another touch of personalization you can consider is the use of whatsapp number thailand word you inside your headlines. While it may seem like an ordinary everyday word, it can be surprisingly powerful in making readers feel like you’re speaking to them directly.

12. Your Headline Must Answer the “How” Question
How will readers achieve a particular result by reading your blog post?

How to Make Money Blogging Screenshot (Blog Healine Example)

Your headline should hint at how your blog post will help readers achieve the results you promise from reading the article. With the headline for my guide about how to make money blogging, I’ve achieved that by previewing how many ways to generate revenue are being covered within the article (as well as mentioning a dollar figure I’ve earned, to help boost the credibility of the piece).

This is why how-to articles are some of the most popular content formats out there today. In most cases, people are searching online for a way to solve a problem, find an answer, or perform a particular task. Therefore, your blog headline should clearly show that your post contains the solution.

Remember, as much as you’re creating content for your blog, the articles aren’t just for yourself.

Your content should always have the primary focus of serving your readers—and that means learning how to write a headline that clearly shows that.

Take the Scientific Approach: Write a Headline That’s Specific