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To create a set of custom colours that

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:47 am
by ritu2000
Importing a theme from PowerPoint: Although you can import themes from one deck to another, it’s important to be careful when using the built-in Import theme function because it can merge with the existing one, causing irregularities. Also, your Theme builder can get cluttered with templates when slides are incorrectly copied and pasted from other sources. If you want to try this function out anyway, go to the Slide tab in the menu bar and select Change theme. At the bottom of the theme panel you can select Import theme. In the new window, navigate to the upload tab and click Select a file from your computer. Choose another Google Slides deck or PowerPoint file, and Google Slides will then extract the theme from it.

Because importing themes using the native function romanian phone number is so temperamental, we’ve discovered a workaround which works like a charm, and is especially useful if you have a PowerPoint theme that you’d like to import into your Slides deck. Find a deck on Drive that uses the theme you want to import into your Google Slides deck.

Copy a slide that uses the correct template. Open up the deck that you’d like to import your theme into and paste your slide into it. Select Keep original styles. This will ensure that the entire theme is brought over (including fonts, colours, and guides) whilst keeping it separate from other themes in the deck. Now that your theme has been imported, you can create new slides within it by right clicking on the slide that has the correct theme and clicking New slide.

Changing and customising theme colours: appear in the colour palette for your theme, go to the theme builder, select colours just below the menu bar which opens up the colours tab on the right-hand side. You can change the colours for each theme from there.

Changing slide size: Google Slides defaults to 25.4 x 14.29cm, which is a 16:9 aspect ratio. Note that this is smaller than PPT, so if you’re copying objects or text from a PPT deck opened with Google Slides, they will paste into Google Slides much larger than the original.