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Screenshot of the Google Slides theme menu bar

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:47 am
by ritu2000
You can also create your own, personalised theme. To do this, open up a blank presentation and make the necessary edits to the theme slide and layouts, as explained above. Then go to the Slides home screen, select Template gallery in the top right. When the new window opens up you can submit a new template in the top right corner. In the next window you can choose a presentation to use as a template. You can also submit a copy of this file by checking the box at the bottom. Checking this box will duplicate your selected presentation and move it to your personal Drive. This means that nobody but you can edit it. This is very useful, as when you edit a deck that is saved in the template gallery, it automatically updates it in the gallery. It’s best practice to make sure nobody but you has access to the original file to help preserve it. Once you’ve set all that up you can create a new deck using that template by selecting New > From a template and navigating to it in the template gallery.

Choosing a theme: When you create a new romanian mobile numbers Slides deck (by clicking + New and then Google Slides from your Google Drive homepage) you will be presented with a range of themes when your new deck first opens. You can also go to the Slide tab in the menu bar and select Change theme. You can click on any theme in the panel to preview it. Once chosen, simply close the panel by clicking the X in the right hand corner. To edit this theme, simply open the theme builder and follow the steps as explained above.

Changing the theme: If you are working from an existing Slides document and want to change the theme to one of Google’s preset options, go to the Slide tab in the menu bar and select Change theme to preview Google Slides’ pre-set options. If you choose a new theme, it will be applied to all of your existing slides, so check through all your slides once the change has been applied to ensure it looks how you want it to.

Tip: Once your content has been moved onto the correct template you can clean up other themes in the deck. First, navigate to View > Theme builder. By clicking the name of your theme, you can see the other themes in the deck in a drop down menu that appears. To delete them from the deck, simply click the name of the theme, then select the top panel labelled Theme and press delete. As long as no slides in the deck are using that theme, it will delete the theme (and all layouts connected to it) from your document.