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Gif showing how to edit the theme in Google Slides

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:47 am
by ritu2000
Gif to show how to access and use the 'Slide master' in Google Slides

Slide layouts: If you want to make a specific type of slide, like a title slide or agenda slide, you’ll want to edit the different slide layouts which sit below the theme slide. You can make small tweaks, like adjusting background colours or adding images, or larger adjustments, like repositioning text boxes. Unlike with the theme slide, these changes will not be applied to all slides; only slides which use that specific layout will be affected.

To edit a layout, first locate it down the left hand romania telephone numbers side of the theme builder view. You can also create a new one by right clicking on any layout and choosing New layout. Once you have the right layout selected, you can begin editing it like any other slide. Add, move, alter, or delete objects to achieve your desired layout style. Right click on the layout in the left hand panel and select Rename layout. A new window will appear where you can give the layout a new name, like ‘Agenda slide’.

Gif showing how to create a new layout in the Google Slides master

Applying layouts to slides: When you are done editing your layouts, have a thorough check over your presentation. Once checked, you can exit the theme builder by clicking X in the right hand corner. All changes will be automatically saved.

To apply a particular layout to a slide, right click the slide thumbnail in the left hand panel and click Apply layout. This will bring up all the layout options from the theme builder for you to choose from. Need a bit more info? Check out our article on editing the Google Slides theme builder and layouts.

Using and creating themes
Themes are a collection of slide layouts that you can apply to your presentation. Google Slides comes with a number of pre-made themes that you can use straight out of the box, or customise via the theme builder for a more personalised look and feel.