Be Responsive to Cross-Device Hopping:

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Be Responsive to Cross-Device Hopping:

Post by robiulhasan »

Nowadays, shoppers have a cross-device hopping behavior, which refers to the use of different devices throughout one shopping journey.

A Barilliance study examining this behavior found that approximately 1 in 3 shoppers who started their shopping session on a smartphone or tablet and converted via a cart abandonment email, converted on a different device (30% and 34% respectively).

Retailers must adapt to this behavior.

A customer may click through a cart abandonment emai cell phone number database on a different device than the original shopping session. It may lead to an empty shopping cart page (the session didn’t transfer) because of a different session cookie. If this happens, the customer can get frustrated and have a disrupted shopping experience.

To tackle this issue, you must implement a Cross Device recognition technology, that recognizes and presents the original shopping session and items abandoned on any device the email is opened on. This creates a seamless experience and can lead to higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, you must have responsive emails’ templates and design, so that the customer is able to properly open and view the cart abandonment email regardless on which device it is opened on.
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