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External links are broken

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 8:50 am
by Md5656se
This error indicates that you have links on your domain that point to domains that no longer exist.

Another thing that can happen is that the domain you are linking to is blocking your link.

The problem you will have is both in the user experience and in the fact that you are also breaking your internal link building strategy ( internal link strategy ).

In my opinion, this does not negatively affect your SEO strategy, but I can tell you that it does not help.

To fix this error you have several options, the most convenient is to remove the link from the URL that is being indicated and leave the word that it links to without a link.

Another option is to modify the link to lead to another part of the domain or my favorite: modify the link to lead to more up-to-date information.

Internal images are broken
This point tells us that we have broken images.

That is, they do not have the correct path, either because the image has been moved or deleted from the server.

As I said before, everything that is broken must be fixed.

A broken image creates two problems: first, you will make your website load slower because the browser will wait to see if, by chance, the image appears and, secondly, you will create a bad user experience by showing neglect in your domain.

To fix this you have two options, first access the marked URL and then you can upload an image again or not use any.

I would like to take this opportunity to say that images are a significant part of many projects and cannot be lost. In SEO we must take care of absolutely everything.

Issues with duplicate title tags
This error tells us about duplicate titles.

A little further up I talked about the problem of not having a title, as having number code philippines duplicate titles can be just as negative.

The problem itself is not having duplicate titles.

The problem is that you won't know exactly how Google will take this error.

That is, if you are going to index both titles and place them one below the other in the first positions or if you are going to get “angry” and not knowing which one is important, you will not put either of them in the first results.


Typically, depending on the competition and authority of a domain, Google will do one thing or another.

To solve this error, I recommend that you look at which keywords the two URLs are positioned for and, based on this data, decide to modify the title of one of the two.

Pages returned 5XX status codes
5XX (five hundred) errors are those that occur on the server.

These errors must be resolved.

500 - Refers to a server failure, usually due to being down.

504 - Occurs when the server is over-performing and unable to respond in a timely manner.