The usual way to check the numbers is to compare

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The usual way to check the numbers is to compare

Post by ishanijerin1 »

The number of impressions and clicks with a specific period, such as the previous month or the same month of the previous year, if the project is already in operation. If the project has just started operation, compare it with the previous day to find the baseline value.

To maintain (adjust).
From the management screen, you can do various things such as opening an account, various settings, submitting ads, and adjusting bids. Among them, the one I do every day is adjusting bids.
When checking the figures on the management screen, I often find myself thinking, "Damn... I spent too much yesterday..." or "Progress isn't going as planned..." That's when I do bid adjustments.

Adjust with bid price maximum cost per click
If you are using manual bidding, you can adjust your bid price by ad group or keyword for search ads, or by ad group for display ads.

Adjust your bid to control the amount of ads you deliver.

Even if you are using manual bidding, if you are using Enhanced benefits of reaching overseas chinese consumers in europe Cost Per Click, your actual bid may exceed the bid you set.

In addition, you can adjust bids by region, age, and device.
In that case, set the bid amount set for the ad group and keyword as an increase (decrease) rate.

If you are using automatic bidding, you cannot adjust the bids individually because they are optimized by AI machine learning. However, if you are using Maximize Clicks or Maximize Conversions, you can set an upper limit for the bid price (maximum CPC) so that bids above the set amount will not be made, but it is recommended that you do not set this.
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