Sixteen years ago, when I founded the company with my partner, Bernardo Lustosa, I could not have imagined the scale the business would reach today. We now have over 800 employees and 100 million transactions analyzed, according to calculations from 2016. How can we explain that, starting with that idea of developing anti-fraud software back in 1999, we would reach such a sustainable level of in-depth business analysis, based on solid statistical models and the extraction of information from a unique market database built by our team and the market. And yet, at the same time, we have won very important awards that value people, such as Great Place to Work and Love Mondays.
The answer for me is simple: when your professional download free usa email database grows alongside your personal side, your life goals start to make more sense within the company, bringing excellence in results in a more natural way. After all, for us, it is very clear that a professional is a person and an important part of the person is the professional and, if viewed in isolation, they can generate great impacts on your results and quality of life.

The issue does not only apply to business scenarios, which are well-known when it comes to disruptive environments, such as having ping pong tables, decompression rooms, and benefits, or having flexible hours and bringing dogs or children to work. The format is even the target of criticism among opinion makers, as it is understood that people “waste work time” by enjoying these activities.
The analysis should be much deeper in this case, reaching two major issues for me. One is how a tired and pressured mind returns to work after using these environments, services or benefits. Let's search our memories for some moments in which we had creative insights or excellent ideas to solve puzzles in the professional environment. Surely, in many of them, you were with your mind relaxed, in a bar with friends or in any other moment of leisure.
At this point, a phenomenon similar to that described by Sigmund Freud in his theory of the division of the human psychic apparatus occurs, the relaxation of the superego (unconsciousness in action). This part of the brain functions as an internal moral instance, which in a calmer state, has the power to unite elements that, unconsciously, were already within us, producing new ideas based on our cerebral "database".
And, to complete and tie all these paths into a strong and sustainable pillar, comes the importance of “being part of it”, of the transformative environment, of the personal objective of an employee being intrinsically linked to their professional performance, making excellence a consequence of their effort and not a goal. More than delivering indicators and more zeros in the account, the person sees themselves in a complete way in their professional side and generates more expressive results for both sides.
To illustrate, I have a recent case at ClearSale of an employee who worked for a year in events and, in some details, made it clear that this was not the position in which her talent would shine the most. Through leadership, she stated her personal and professional goal, which was to practice her profession, that of a Journalist, and translate everything the company does into different types of content. After doing this, her career took a new path and so did her sparkle in her eyes. In addition to being noticeable when walking down the halls, it is also palpable when translated into the quality of her planning and ideas.
Points like these are what make ClearSale and other companies that follow the same line of reasoning deliver impressive results that lead a company to exceed goals in years of crisis, for example, as was our case in 2016. And also, value the human side of your team by having an Educational Management team that is more active than ever, always willing to listen, exchange experiences and rescue, in each one, the importance of individual growth for collective victory.
Thus, we have reached the high point of this reflection, which leads us to believe that it is possible to demand a lot from a person in the professional environment, proposing aggressive goals, demands and requirements of great content, but without hurting or excluding aspects of their personal life. If you do not understand the context of this individual's life, you may fail to explore the most refined and dedicated side of their talent.