Forgot about the tenant

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Forgot about the tenant

Post by sadiksojib35 »

This is a mistake that often happens due to ignorance of Dubai law. In principle, the owner is not obliged to report that there are tenants in his apartment. And an investor who buys an apartment for resale often does not ask about it.

According to Dubai law, if after a change of uk telegram database ownership the new owner does not notify the tenant of eviction through the court within a year, then the tenant has the right to stay in the apartment for another year. This means that the profit from the apartment will not appear anytime soon.

Another option is to notify the tenant that you will not renew the lease because you want to sell the apartment or live in it yourself. Then you can evict him within three months. However, this automatically blocks the renting of this apartment in the future. If you try to do this, you will have to pay a fine for deceiving the tenant of up to 1 million dirhams (about $ 270 thousand at the exchange rate at the time of publication of this article).

What needed to be done
The first thing to do is to check the information about the current tenant. If you need to start paying off your investment as quickly as possible, it is better to find an apartment that is not currently rented out. The offers on the market allow this.
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