Add triggers and actions to your automated workflow

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Add triggers and actions to your automated workflow

Post by shaown »

Create a new automation recipe

After adding your license, you are ready to create automated workflows in WordPress. Uncanny Automator calls these workflows “recipes.”

To get started, simply go to the Automator “Add New” page . You will be asked if you want to create an “Access” recipe or an “Everyone” recipe.

Registered recipes can only be activated by logged mexico phone number in users, but anyone can activate “Everyone” recipes.

Select Everyone as the recipe type
You need to choose a recipe type based on the workflow you want to create and then click the “Confirm” button.

For this guide, we will be creating an Everyone recipe using the WPForms plugin . This is the best WordPress contact form plugin that allows you to create all types of forms with simple drag and drop.

We will build an automatic workflow that creates a new WordPress user account every time someone completes the contact form on our website.

After you choose a recipe type, you can give it a name by typing it in the “Title” field. This is just a reference, so you can use whatever you want.

Each recipe in Uncanny Automator is made up of two parts called Triggers and Actions .

A trigger is an event that starts the automated workflow, such as a visitor submitting a form. Actions are the tasks the recipe will perform, such as creating an account for that person.

Creating an automated workflow in WordPress
To get started, you need to set up your trigger by choosing an integration.
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