SEO writing has devastated the web

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SEO writing has devastated the web

Post by Jannatulmawa »

Madness. Also because in the meantime blenders – that is, machines – have evolved and learned to write. And they do it far better than humans when they write to please machines! Today an article written by AI software is in most cases indistinguishable from those written (poorly) by those who follow the so-called SEO copywriting rules. (If you don't believe it, go read this article . Yes, artificial intelligence software wrote them). So what? Has the glorious age of human writing come to an end? Fortunately no.

But today to stand out, to gain visibility and be liked by a complete list of unit phone data people, to climb the SERP and position yourself in the hot seat you have to write well . Which then means "simply" writing better than a machine ... and certainly better than all those who write for machines. In short, forget the keywords. Now let's start talking about serious things. Now let's discuss communication. The ABCs of SEO writing Some time ago I already said what I think about so-called SEO copywriting .

I talked about it here: , it's time to put an end to it and here I'll explain why (Spoiler: nothing good). However, this does not mean that there are no practices for writing on the web and obtaining results. Be careful here, eh… When I talk about results I don't mean positions on the SERP. Positioning is just a means to an end. Your real goal when writing an article is to gain visibility .
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