It turns out that Americans are more likely to buy from a company if they follow them on any form of social media [4]. This certainly makes retailers think about creating a social platform. Back to the builder you choose, it should allow you to easily integrate your store with social media – the ability to share and promote your products on social media is a must-have feature. Additionally, the last few years have become an era where consumers expect more due to the influx of information. When costa rica number data someone lands on your site, no matter what eCommerce website builder you use, they have the internet on their side . So people are more likely to turn away if they see that your site is slow. Shoppers expect to see free shipping, free returns, and expedited shipping options.
Oh, and if your products don’t have ratings and reviews, it creates the impression that you are much less trustworthy. Trust issues have reached their peak, especially since online scams and identity theft are still rampant. But these trust issues are also related to shopping. If a customer feels like they’re not getting the support they deserve, the blame falls squarely on the company. The same goes for slow shipping, product issues, and a lack of transparency about products and payments.
A good eCommerce website builder will help you solve at least a couple of these problems. At a minimum, you want to be able to set shipping zones (different rates and options depending on where you ship) and include customer reviews/ratings for your products. All the best eCommerce website builders have these features.
What else is going on that might influence your decision about choosing a website developer?
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