Why is Elon Musk interested in politics in Europe?

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Why is Elon Musk interested in politics in Europe?

Post by Shishirgano9 »

Sive within the framework of projects with clear targets and dependent on an overall plan.
In addition. a Grand Challenge on general-purpose AI (€40M) of the Darpa/Nist type will be organized. Its objective will be to generate a significant ripple effect among international consortia in "coopetition" and thus enable a rapid increase in maturity of general-purpose AI technologies on applications identified as priority/strategic within the framework of the SNIA. To engage and support our generative AI champions. we will also use other financing levers (public orders. capital investment. etc.

Bpifrance has thus launched a seed fund endowed honduras telegram with €50M for companies that will exploit the strong potential of these generative models to market cutting-edge products and services. French laboratories and companies must have access to significant computing infrastructures. which are necessary to train generative giga-models. The Jean Zay supercomputer operated by GENCI will thus be augmented and we will very soon welcome a new exascale supercomputer which will be hosted at the CEA in Essonne.

This initiative born from the consortium which includes France. the Netherlands and the European Union is fully integrated into the framework of EuroHPC (>500M€). ​​In Europe. nearly ten supercomputers are already in operation and others are about to see the light of day (Jupiter in Germany in particular). Our priority is to exploit this generative AI technology to create economically relevant integrated applications. such as medical. legal or financial expertise. which implies other R&D work.
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