5. Fufuly (Yukai Engineering): the robotic cushion
Fufuly claims to reduce anxiety levels through gentle, rhythmic pulsations that stimulate the abdomen and induce slower, deeper breathing. The device is based on research undertaken by the University of Tokyo, although its supposed benefits have not yet been 100% scientifically tested.
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6. Bespoke AI Wall Oven (Samsung): the oven that does “live strea albania number data ming” of what is cooking inside it
This revolutionary Samsung oven contains an internal camera that allows the cook to keep an eye on what is cooking inside from their mobile phone. In addition, the Bespoke AI Wall Oven allows you to "live stream" the cooking process on social networks. The oven also optimizes cooking conditions for 80 specific dishes and alerts the user when the food is in danger of burning.
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7. Skyted: the noise-cancelling mask
Skyted, a mask made from the same military-grade material used to silence jet engines, boasts that it absorbs all sound, making talking on the phone in public a completely private affair. Plus, this amazing gadget allows the wearer to be heard more clearly in particularly noisy environments.