While the solution above of changing the admin login URL can help reduce most failed login attempts, imposing restrictions can also be very effective. The free Cerber Limit Login Attempts plugin is a great way to easily customize lockout duration, login attempts, and IP whitelists and blacklists .
limit login attempts wordpress
If you’re looking for a simpler WordPress mom database security solution, another great alternative is the free Login Lockdown plugin. Login LockDown records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt. If more than a certain number of attempts are detected from the same IP address within a short period of time , the login feature will be disabled for all requests from that range. It’s fully compatible with the WPS Hide login plugin we mentioned above.
login lockdown wordpress
How to add HTTP Basic Authentication (htpasswd protection)
Another way to lock out an admin is to add HTTP authentication. This requires you to enter your username and password before you can access the WordPress login page. Note: This method should not typically be used on e-commerce or membership sites. But it can be a very effective way to prevent bots from getting onto your site.
.htpasswd authentication prompt
If you are using cPanel hosting, you can enable password protected directories from your control panel. To set it up manually, you will first need to create a . file .htpasswd. You can use this handy generator tool . Then upload this file to a directory in your wp-admin folder, like this:
How to limit the number of login attempts
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