The answer was easy considering that:

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bellal khan
Posts: 20
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2024 5:25 am

The answer was easy considering that:

Post by bellal khan »

“Let’s narrow the scope ,” we said to ourselves. “ Do we want to serve a large audience or a small one? ”

was the first project of its kind;
we wanted to manage it only as a couple;
We had only found direct competitors at an international level.
èProntoo! would have been a local service , for the inhabitants of Treviso and nearby municipalities (San Dona', Casale, Villorba, San Biagio and Ponzano) .

But presenting it like that would not have given us any added value. What was our UVP? “We serve the people of Treviso because we are from Treviso” would not have been the best.

So we asked ourselves: “ Why would we find thecambodia telegram mobile phone number list service useful if we were our customers? ”

Because we are damn busy, between work commitments, home and children.

Bingo, niche identified!

èProntoo! has thus become a local service for busy people who want to eat well but don't have time to cook lunch and/or dinner.

“Home-cooked meals for busy people” has become our UVP .

And I want to highlight the use of the word “busy” , because it was a strategic choice.

After all, what is copywriting if not the practice of choosing the right words?

In CopyMastery the guys call it the principle of de-responsibilization of the audience . That's why "busy" and not "messy" .
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