These are tokens in an authentication that allows access to any system through a device that generates a contraseña, from a smart card to a clave or a radio frequency identification card, the excellent tokens are that will always have a contraseña newly generated to initiate session on a computer or private computer.
Security Tokens
The security token technology is based on the use of a device amazon database that generates random numbers, ciphers and those sent to a server together with the user's authentication information. Please note that the server requires a responsible signal that only the device can descipher. The device is reused for every authentication, because the server does not have any number of uses or contraseña, with the aim of making the system vulnerable to computer hacks.
Today we have various types of security tokens, we will mention and explain the main ones:
Connected Tokens: This is a physical object that is connected to a computer, this is a device that has the connected token and has no access.
Files without contact: Establish a logical connection to a computer without the need for a physical connection which is where tokens are processed without contact. When you connect the device to the system, these tokens have the capacity to store or deny access if necessary. A great example of this Bluetooth series, which is used to create a connection with a token without contact.
Disconnected Token: The security token that cannot be connected to any type of device, when it does, the device will generate an OTP like credential. An app sends a text message to the phone that is registered to log and initiate a session on any device that is enabled and accessed.
Unique session initiation software tokens: SSO software tokens act as digital libraries. Collect important information, such as a number of users or contraseña, for people who use multiple computer systems and red services. In this case, these people can initiate a session in each system without having to record various numbers of users and contraseñas.
Like all types of technology, the tokens are offered as many times as they are sold, which already have some of them.
Although the contradictions and user IDs exist for longer and longer if the authentication form is not used, security tokens are a better option when it comes to protecting digital systems and networks. The removal of contraseñas and user ID is that the hacker has perfected its methods and herramientas by which some of the vehicles can be easily desciphered. Otherwise, contraseñas may be compromised if there is a violation of data exposed by this type of information.
With all this information, we hope you have clear how the security tokens work, we get the Cloud Group to launch the mobile application adaptable to Tokens or that have unique codes that can be merged with other applications, contact us to get all the information you need .