Changes in CoMagic integration with Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords

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Changes in CoMagic integration with Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords

Post by ashammi258 »

New functionality
The transition from the 4th version of the API to the 5th was carried out in the integration with Yandex.Direct and the ability to pull data on extended text ads from Google AdWords was added.

New functionality
In the integration with Yandex.Direct, the croatia phone numbers transition from the 4th version of the API to the 5th has been made. Now, the entire integration mechanics are tied to the final client account in this service and require entering the corresponding login. For advertising agencies, this means that they will have to set up integration separately for each of the client sites, using the client's login in Yandex.Direct. In addition, now not only Yandex.Direct client points can be used for integration, but also agency points. That is, if a client runs out of points, the system will continue to work at the expense of the agency's points.
Integration with Google AdWords has been supplemented with the ability to pull data on expanded text ads into CoMagic reports.
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