Consumer needs: what they are, types and how to define them

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Consumer needs: what they are, types and how to define them

Post by ayesha11 »

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By David Tomas

Consumer Needs are the needs or desires that motivate a person to look for products or services to satisfy them.

Therefore, knowing their needs is key for any company that wants to carry out a good marketing strategy and increase sales. When you have this information, which is related to the needs of customers, it is much easier to present a product or service that meets them within an attractive campaign.

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Consumer needs, types and how to define them

Definition: What are consumer needs?
As we have said before, consumer needs are those needs that lead a person to search for and pay for a product or service that can satisfy them. Need, then, is a kind of driving hr directors email list force in the purchasing decision. The more effective a brand is in detecting these needs and offering products or services that meet them, the more sales it will have.

Furthermore, according to the American psychologist Abraham Maslow, these needs are organized hierarchically into five levels:

Physiological needs : These are those that are directly related to human survival, such as eating, drinking and maintaining good health. This means that food products, drinks and medicines would be within this level, which is the base of the pyramid.

Security needs : within this level are those that make humans feel protected, which would include everything from access to a home to alarms or life insurance.

Belonging needs : all people feel the need to be part of a group and to connect, in some way, with the world around them. Therefore, all those products and services that promote social activities would be included in this level.

Esteem needs : are those that are related to self-esteem and that are manifested through the acquisition of products that give a certain status, such as owning a car or jewelry.

Self-actualization needs: This is the top of the pyramid and is where the needs related to individual happiness would be included, so they are much more specific. For one person it may be traveling and for another getting a university degree.

According to Maslow, all individuals need to meet their needs by following this hierarchy and advancing level by level. For example, before meeting safety needs, a person will need to meet physiological needs.
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